New England Custom Masonry, Inc.
Now Providing Crumbling Foundation Replacement Services
email: necmasonry@charter.net

We Provide Services For:
Crumbling foundation replacement for homeowners in Connecticut to correct the various problems with foundations caused by pyrrhotite in the original foundation including structural damage, sinking foundations, falling chimneys and cracks on the interior walls or exterior masonry. We provide the necessary equipment and expertise to create a solution that will preserve the structure of your home and prevent further damage
A qualified vendor as listed by the Capital Region Council of Governments at
https://crcog.org/2020/03/new-england-custom-masonry-inc/ -
Homes built in the 1980s in CT and MA have foundations that were installed that contained pyrrhotite in the concrete causing your foundation to slowly fail over the years and now needing to be completely replaced. Substantial cracks can affect the stability of your whole house. We offer a free estimate and inspection for foundation replacement/repair. Call today to schedule an appointment to evaluate your foundation to assess the damage and create a solution for your foundation. For more information https://crumblingfoundations.org
New commercial and residential construction
Natural and cultured stone
Commercial renovation interior and exterior
New residential homes
Custom fireplaces and chimneys
Installation of structural steel lintels
CT License 0641702, fully insured.

Foundation replacement

Foundation replacement